Wednesday, December 12, 2012

10 Months

Goodness! Andrew, you have EXPLODED with your learning. I think you are learning something new EVERY day. It is so hard to remember all that you have learned this month. We have had SO much fun watching you learn so much. You are getting so close to being a toddler and less like a baby. :-( 

At 10 months:

~You wear size 4 diapers. At night you wear Size 4 Overnight protection.
~ Wearing size12 month and 12-18 month clothing.
~Wearing size 2-3 shoes
~Sleeping. You usually go to bed at 9 pm and wake up around 7 am.
~Bottle three times a day: 7am, 2pm, 9pm
~Eat 3 meals a day of solids. There isn't anything you won't eat. You love it all. I would say your favorites are sweet potatoes, squash, and pumpkin.

~ You are eating table food more and more. For dinner, you usually whatever we are eating. For lunch, you like turkey lunchmeat, peas, and cheese. Oh and don't forget your love of CHEERIOS. You can never get enough of them!  
~Napping- You usually take an hour nap in the mornings and a two hour nap in the afternoon on days that we are home in the morning. If not, you take a 2.5 - 3 hour nap in the afternoon
~You strongly dislike your carseat. I can't wait to be able to turn it around. We usually distract you by giving you our keys. 
~You still take Prevacid nightly and Zyrtec. You dislike the Zyrtec out of a syringe but will gladly take it out of a "big boy cup" also know as a medicine cup.
~You had your second stomach bug. Thankfully it only kept you down a couple of days. 
~We thought you were getting more teeth but have felt any new ones.... So all you want for Christmas is your two front teeth :-) 
~ Words: Mama, Dada (your fav), Baba (We think this means either ball or Baxter), NawNaw (Your version of no. We often hear it during diaper changes and getting in the car)

You are cruising around furniture and toys.

You help yourself to the cabinets

You love light switches. It is a MUST to turn them off before leaving a room. Then you give mommy five afterwards.

Baxter is still your best friend. You both love playing together. Baxter doesn't understand why you don't play chase. He will sit and try to get you to chase him. He does get MAD at you when you go near his food. I *guess* he is trying to be a protective big brother so you dont get sick on dog food.

You love pushing your walking toy. You are doing really great at this! You love that you have the freedom to go where you can push too.

Practice walking with daddy

You LOVE LOVE LOVE kids, especially your cousin. You think Hannah wears the prettiest bows!

You have discovered the doggie door which also stresses Baxter out. He is just so *concerned* you will get hurt.

You are such a little man! You are a good sport at all our "Photo shoots" You remind us of a cabbage patch kid! Those sweet cheeks.
You have learned how to clap your hands.

You are crawling EVERYWHERE!

I often leave you in your room to play. You move all over the room playing with your toys. You love your toys!

Trying to get a 10 month pic of you.... However, you were not willing to stay still!!!!
You pull up on everything!

You can sit yourself up on your own.

You love your dinosaur ball toy. Thanks, Aunt Shelly!

You  can throw major temper tantrums... I mean like throwing your head back to the floor and screaming! :-(

Happy 10 months, sweet boy! We love you so much! We love your natural curiosity and love for learning! We are so blessed to be your parents. 

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