Monday, September 10, 2012

Seven Months

Andrew, today you are seven months! Time just needs to slow down because you are growing up WAY TOO FAST! You are such a precious gift from God, and we thank Him every night for you!!! Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives. Your little smile melts our hearts.

At 7 months:
~You wear size 3 diapers. Except at night. You wear Size 4 Overnight protection. We got tired of changing the sheet in the middle of the night!
~ Wearing size 6-9 month clothing.
~Wearing size 3 shoes
~Sleeping... well... this has been rough this month. There have been  some nights you wake up every thirty minutes. It has been really rough on your mama. We always start you off in your crib, but you usually end up in your Nap Nanny. Yes, I said Nap Nanny. We had to get it back out of the attic. I will say that the past week you have been an excellent sleeper.
~Bottle every 4 hours, drinking 6 oz.
~You are eating rice cereal with mixed fruits (5 oz) in the mornings and cereal, veggies and fruits (6 oz)  in the evenings. Your favorite is still sweet potatoes with a little cinnamon.
~Napping- This has gotten ALOT better! You usually take an hour nap in the mornings and a two hour nap in the afternoon. 
 ~Your Acid Reflux has gotten worse. So now we have added Zantac with the Prevacid. You also take Zyrtec every night. The extra dose of Zantac seems to be helping a lot!
 ~ This month you had your first stomach bug and you shared it with EVERYONE! That is why this blog is late! No one would have ever known you were sick though. You just wanted to be held but other than that you didn't complain. You are such a sweet, easy going boy.
~You said your first word on the way back from Houston. "Dada" It was music to our ears. You haven't really said any consonant sounds so we were shocked when all of a sudden you started "talking".

~Learning to drink out of a sippy cup!

~You LOVE LOVE LOVE water! 

~You love everyday objects! No matter how many toys Mommy buys you (Which Daddy says is too many!!!) the most simple items entertain you, like a cup, or spoon, or paper bag. 

~You love rolling. I don't ever think you will learn how to crawl, because you are SOOO good at rolling. 

~We often find you under something! Anything!

~You love to read and chew on books. 

~You and Baxter love each other. You often take his ball  that he nudges to you. You two have your own little games.  Baxter threw the ball in the bath. You grabbed it... and Baxter jumped in. I see BIG TROUBLE in store with you two!

~You love music!

Andrew,  we love you so much!

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