Wednesday, June 17, 2015

1 year


As I write this post it stirs up so many emotions for both your daddy and me. You are an amazing blessing to us! But this day a year ago was one of the scariest days of our lives. You were so very sick and we were not sure if you would survive. The Lord put the right nurses and doctors in our lives and with Him, you were healed. During the first few days of your NICU stay, all your daddy and I could do was trust in God's faithfulness and know that He had a plan for your life. God was faithful to us and had been preparing us for awhile although we did not know: in Sunday school, we had studied God works all things together for His good, at Chapel (this is also your life verse), we sang Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done; A stepstool we had made: Be Humble before the Lord and He will lift you up. And we trusted all His promises. He had made sure we stored His word in our hearts before we went through this storm. In this storm, we experienced  God in a way we never had before, relying completely on Him to provide peace, comfort, and healing for our precious baby boy. He was faithful.

Your little life has not been measured by months in our minds. It has been measured by doctors' visits. You have had countless doctor visits this year, 2 MRIs, 4 ABRs, and RSV. We have learned (Sorta) how to navigate the insurance waters. (Be careful! There are many snakes!) Through all of this, you smiled! You have such a joyful spirit and a smile that makes hearts melt.  We are praying your next year will be much less eventful!

You are a busy toddler who loves to climb on anything and so proud when you reach the top. You have a long journey ahead learning how to listen and speak, but you are a fighter and I know, with God's continued help, you can do AMAZING things. SO proud of you, little man! Happy Birthday, Baby Ben!

At one year:
~ You sleep from about 8:30 until 7:30ish so 11 hours
~ You drink 24 ounces of formula but we are on our last box of formula. Daddy says this is it. You have had a little milk here and there and aren't opposed to it.
~Wear size 4 diapers
~Wear 12-18 month clothes, size 4 shoes
~ You can drink from a sippy cup
~ You can self-feed but don't like to do it.
~You have therapy twice a week: one with Mrs. Kristin and Auditory Verbal with Mrs. Pam
~Have 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth
~ Love to climb to the very top of things and are so proud of yourself for it.
~Cruising around furniture and standing on your own when your hands are busy
~Love to fly airplanes, drive cars, and play with brother's toys. If I say airplane, you say Ahhh. Like the song
~Love to clap to If You are Happy and You Know It
~Sitting in bath all by yourself
~On your birthday, took your first couple of "steps", probably won't be long
~Words you say with meaning: Dada, Up, Out, Milk, More, Cat, and Cracker
~ You are starting to learn names of familiar objects like airplanes and book
~ AV therapy has help you tremendously. You are learning to listen! We have seen tremendous growth in your ability to communicate.

I am so proud to be your mama! (even if you won't say it!!!) A wise friend once told me, God knew who Ben needed for his parents. Ben, there isn't anything we won't do for you that you need. We love you so much!


Mama and Dada

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